Integration with the territory
The economic yearly outcome of our business on the territory is over tens of millions of euro regarding supplies and services from local companies. We stimulate suppliers to make investments and promote the development of the port activities and of the related infrastructures at the Crotone port.
We are interested in the development of the agro-energetic supply chain; thereby we sustain the S.R.F. (short rotation forestry) experimentations for the production of plants with a high growth speed for feeding the biomass power plants. We sustain also the consequent agricultural reconversion of currently non-productive lands.

We feel we are an essential part of the Crotone Energetic Pole, thereby we support industrial and legal initiatives to reinforce this pole so that it becomes an important centre for research and development of new fuels and new technological solutions both for the combustion of alternative materials to traditional biomass and for the recuperation of combustion ash, vegetal wastes, steam and flue gas residual heat.
We contribute prominently to local employment. Other than the full-time employees, our Companies also involve a lot of external collaborators at different levels of expertise, creating dozens of workplaces. A variety of local, national and international professionals constantly collaborate with us in high profile activities.
The induced employment counts some hundreds of workplaces in forestry companies (for about 450.000 tons of wood); port downloading activities personnel (for about 300.000 tons of imported biomass); transporters cooperatives; maintenance companies (for the operative management of the two plants); general services companies.