
    Applicant nature


    [group gruppo-privato]

    [/group][group gruppo-azienda]


    Reason for the contact

    Information requestsSupply proposalProposal for industrial partnership

    [group gruppo-RichiestaInformazioni]

    BiomassTechnologyO&M (Services)Energy marketRegulationManagement controlManagement SystemOthers

    [/group][group gruppo-PropostaFornitura]

    Raw materialsAuthorisationsLandsPlantsTechnological servicesPatentsOthers

    [/group][group gruppo-PartnershipText]


    According to EU Regulation 2016/679 (hereinafter "GDPR"), Biomasse Italia SpA and Biomasse Crotone SpA, as joint data controllers ("Joint Controllers"), will process your personal data (name, surname, e-mail, address and telephone number) exclusively to contact you following your request for information.

    Your data will be processed electronically and will be kept for the time strictly necessary to satisfy your request and, in any case, no later than two years from collection, except for longer legal terms, where applicable.

    The legal basis of the treatment is constituted by the following:

    • the fulfilment of pre-contractual commitments;

    • the fulfilment of legal commitments;

    • the pursuit of a legitimate interest of the Joint Controllers.

    Your personal data will be processed by the Staff of Biomasse Italia SpA and Biomasse Crotone SpA involved in the requests’ management. Furthermore, the data may be communicated to third parties in charge of supplying services in outsourcing (legal, fiscal and contractual consulting), to companies, consortiums and associations having the purpose of credit protection and to all those competent authorities for verifications of law.

    For more information, please consult the Privacy Policy of our website.

    The Joint Controllers of the treatment are:
    - BIOMASSE ITALIA S.P.A. S.S. 106 Km 263 88816 - Strongoli (KR) in person of the pro tempore legal representative.

    - BIOMASSE CROTONE S.P.A. S.S. 106 Industrial Zone 88900 - Crotone (KR) in person of the pro tempore legal representative.

    We inform you that you can always exercise your rights such as access, rectification, cancellation of your data by sending a request to our Privacy Referent (E-mail:

    I have read and understood the information on the processing of personal data according to the GDPR and current national legislation.
    Dimostra di essere umano selezionando albero.

    Single member company
    S.S. 106 Km. 263 – 88816 – Strongoli KR (Italy)
    Tel. +39 0962 073011
    Fax +39 0962 885822
    VAT n° 02199330792

    Single member company
    S.S. 106 – Z.I. – 88900 Crotone (Italy)
    Tel. +39 0962 073191
    Fax +39 0962 938793
    VAT n° 03200440794