The supply of raw materials is mainly based on:
- wood biomass like chips;
- exhausted olive residues;
- Palm Kernel Shells (PKS);
- other virgin biomass of agro-forest industry;

The progressive reinforcement of the local supply chain has lead, in the last years, to a significant increase in the availability of biomass coming either from forestry maintenance or from waste products from processing in sawmill, public gardens green pruning and residuals from various agricultural activities, passing from about 200.000 tons per year to over 400.000 tons per year.
This quantity is not yet sufficient for the companies’ needs, therefore the difference is made up through purchasing from outside markets using the port of Crotone.

Our commercial approach with the suppliers is very clear: to stable relationships with conditions of reciprocal advantages for the long-term.

This approach is based on the quality of service and the competitiveness of the market price that represent key aspects for the common satisfaction of both us and our suppliers. Some local enterprises that supply us with goods and services in the sector of maintenance, material movement, general services and land and sea transports, represent an essential part of our productive system.