Management Integrated System
The term sustainability is assuming a value more and more profound: initially the company sustainability was focused on the environmental aspect and on the protection of the planet’s resources, but now it shows the integration between the company traditional values system – economic values expressed by quantity of production and profits – and the social values system – the centrality of the person, environmental integrity, quality of life – presented simultaneously inside and outside the company.
In this new perspective, Biomasse Italia and Biomasse Crotone are committed to find new organization modalities, to research and adopt technologies and instruments with low environmental impact, to follow the choices that put the person at the center.
The Integrated Management System assures the convergence of business strategies with the strategies of Management, Environmental Protection, Safety and Health, Ethical Values, Innovation, Quality, Privacy, Risk Management and Social Responsibility. We have defined two macro-processes of strategic development: the process of business development from the company’s mission to the operational action plans through the “Declaration of management,” the guidelines, the objectives and the strategies of each function. The second process starts from the system of corporate values that are realized through the management rules of the various systems of the company. The integration of these two macro-processes assures the maximum focus on the business, in full compliance with social and environmental sustainability in our territory.

All our Policies include the commitment to meet the expectations of our shareholders, employees and territory, in accordance with the strategic objectives and the values’ system, through a process of continuous improvement.