Environmental System

For many years we have implemented a policy of respect and valorization of the Environment, truly believing that the correct management of environmental issues represents an important strategic factor. In fact, the protection of the Environment must be considered not as a limitation, but rather as an opportunity for economic and social growth, which provides all necessary guarantees for a better quality of life and for the protection of public and private patrimony.

We consider the Environment an asset to be protected for the welfare of present and future generations: for this reason we are involved in projects to reduce the environmental impacts and to minimize the energy consumptions, through structural actions (new auxiliary systems with a major energetical efficiency, improvements of processes in order to reduce the fuel consumption) and through actions aimed to raise the personnel awareness on the environmental protection (continuous training, software to diagnose the emission trends).

Biomasse Italia has decided to make organic the approach to environmental protection, adopting an Environmental Management System, which permitted to obtain in 2005 the certification according to the international standard UNI EN ISO 14001. The system was re-certified by Certiquality in 2008 and 2011 using a dedicated software as methodological and computer-based platform. The certification was extended to Biomasse Crotone on 2012.

The environmental management system requirements are meant to ensure the adoption and the respect of the most rigorous procedures to protect the environment, to control the activities’ impact on the environment and to ensure that the environmental performance meets and continues to meet both the requirements of law and the Companies goals concerning our environmental policy.

The Environmental Policy includes the following specific commitments: to respect the laws, to prevent pollution, to formulate objectives to improve, to adopt the best technological processes and to develop the training.

We promote continuously any direct action aimed to protect the environment and to ensure that our industrial activities are fully compatible with environmental sustainability. The environmental objectives, in accordance with the scientific and technological progress, are applied to all our activities, processes and raw materials.

Biomasse Italia and Biomasse Crotone have well-structured organizations, internal resources with high specific competences, a system of specialized consultancy for the internal auditing (ongoing activity), for the analysis of relevant issues such as those related to the evolution of the Italian and European law, and finally for performance of procedures such as the Environmental Impact Assessment and the Integrated Environmental Authorization.

In June 2019 Biomasse Italia and Biomasse Crotone started the activities aimed to obtain the EMAS registration by preparing the Environmental Statements validated, as per the EMAS regulation, by a third party (the certifying body Certiquality), and subsequently sent via the EMAS registration system to the Ecolabel and Ecoaudit Committee, EMAS Italy section, in order to obtain the registration. On 15th of September 2021, Biomasse Crotone’s Plant, in compliance with the EMAS Regulation (EC n. 1221/09), obtained the EMAS Registration of the organization Biomasse Crotone S.p.A. with the number IT-002074.

The Integrated Policy of our companies (Quality – Environment – Safety)

Emission Monitoring Systems in the atmosphere – Biomasse Italia SpA

Environmental statement Biomasse Italia 2023

Environmental statement Biomasse Crotone 2023

Environmental statement Biomasse Italia 2022

Environmental statement Biomasse Crotone 2022

Environmental statement Biomasse Italia 2021

Environmental statement Biomasse Crotone 2021

Environmental statement Biomasse Italia 2020

Environmental statement Biomasse Crotone 2020

Environmental statement Biomasse Italia 2019

Environmental statement Biomasse Crotone 2019

Environmental statement Biomasse Italia 2018

Environmental statement Biomasse Crotone 2018