Quality System
The Quality Management System (certified according to the ISO 9001:2015), establishes the management criteria for the processes, including, other than operational activities, the Management, Improvement and Support processes.
For each process we have defined the related requirements, behaviours and actions to adopt in order to satisfy requisites, the management of the collected data on paper or file documents, the definition of roles and responsibilities (who has to act, who has to control), through a matrix overview of functions/processes.
The system aims to become the base for the convergence, in an integrated system, of the different regulations that impact transversely on companies’ processes, in order to minimize the information content to manage.
The Quality Policy provides specific commitments such as: to pursue systematically the quality’s improvement, to innovate the processes, to develop training, to involve also the suppliers in the improvement process, to establish and monitor the processes according to the criteria of ISO 9001:2015. The Quality System establishes the criteria in order to manage the operational, management, improvement, innovation and support processes.